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Two-stage first-trimester screening for trisomy 21 by ultrasound assessment and biochemical testing




Objectives This study was carried out to examine the performance of a contingent policy in first-trimester screening for trisomy 21, in which the estimated risk was first derived by a combination of maternal age, fetal nuchal translucency (NT) thickness, presence/absence of the nasal bone, blood flow in the ductus venosus or flow across the tricuspid valve, and biochemical testing was carried out only in those who were found to have an intermediate risk. We also examined the performance of a policy in which the estimated risk was first derived by a combination of maternal age and biochemical testing, and ultrasound examination was carried out only in those with an intermediate risk. Methods The data for this study were derived from prospective screening for trisomy 21 in singleton pregnancies, using, as markers, a combination of maternal age, fetal NT thickness and maternal-serum free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), in a one-stop clinic for first-trimester assessment of risk at 11 + 0 to 13 + 6 weeks of gestation. Assessment of the fetal nasal bone, ductus venosus flow and tricuspid flow were also routinely performed by appropriately trained sonographers. The performance of different screening policies was examined. Results The study population consisted of 19 614 pregnancies with a normal karyotype or delivery of a phenotypically normal baby (euploid group) and 122 cases of trisomy 21. The best performance was achieved by a contingent policy in which first-stage screening was based on maternal age, fetal NT thickness and either tricuspid valve or ductus venosus blood flow, followed by biochemical testing only those with an intermediate risk, of 1 in 51 to 1 in 1000 (which constituted about 20% of the total). The performance of contingent screening in which first-stage testing relies on biochemistry was poorer than when first-stage screening was performed by ultrasound examination because, in order to achieve the same detection rate, the false-positive rate was twice as high. Conclusion Effective first-trimester screening for trisomy 21 can be achieved by a contingent policy in which first-stage testing is based on ultrasound examination and second-stage biochemical testing is carried out in only 20% of the patients. Copyright. (C) 2010 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:目的进行这项研究,以检验在21三体妊娠的孕早期筛查中采取或有政策的效果,其中估计风险首先由产妇年龄,胎儿颈部半透明(NT)厚度,是否存在胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘,胎盘和胎盘等组成。鼻骨,静脉导管内的血流或三尖瓣上的血流,仅对发现中度风险的人进行生化检查。我们还检查了一项政策的执行情况,在该政策中,首先通过产妇年龄和生化检查相结合得出估计的风险,而超声检查仅在中等风险的人群中进行。方法本研究的数据来自前瞻性筛查单胎妊娠的21三体性,将孕产妇年龄,胎儿NT厚度和孕产妇无血清β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-hCG)与妊娠组合作为标志物。相关的血浆蛋白A(PAPP-A),在一站式诊所中进行妊娠11 + 0至13 + 6周的孕早期评估。胎儿鼻骨,导管静脉流和三尖瓣血流的评估也通常由经过适当培训的超声检查医师进行。检查了不同筛选策略的性能。结果研究人群包括19 614例具有正常核型或分型正常的婴儿分娩(整倍体组)和122例三体性21例。采用基于母亲的第一阶段筛查的或有策略可达到最佳效果。年龄,胎儿NT厚度以及三尖瓣或导管静脉血流量,然后仅对那些具有中等风险的人进行生化检测,比例为51:1:1:1000(约占总数的20%)。与通过超声检查进行第一阶段筛查相比,第一阶段检测依赖于生物化学的偶然筛查的性能较差,这是因为为了达到相同的检测率,假阳性率是原来的两倍。结论通过一项或有政策,可以有效地进行21三体妊娠的早期妊娠筛查,在这种政策中,仅对20%的患者进行基于超声波检查的第一阶段检查,而第二阶段的生化检查则仅在第二阶段进行。版权。 (C)2010 ISUOG。由John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.出版



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